IRIX 6.5 Applications 2002 May
SGI IRIX 6.5 Applications 2002 May.iso
Text File
195 lines
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2. _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n__I_n_f_o_r_m_a_t_i_o_n
Display PostScript/X should be installed if you want to use
PostScript in a visual fashion, that is, to run applications
that display and manipulate PostScript. _s_h_o_w_p_s (included in
_d_p_s__e_o_e._s_w._d_p_s), Adobe Illustratorr and FrameMaker are
examples of such applications.
This chapter lists information that is supplemental to the
_S_o_f_t_w_a_r_e _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n _A_d_m_i_n_i_s_t_r_a_t_o_r'_s _G_u_i_d_e and the
installation instructions in the _P_e_r_s_o_n_a_l _S_y_s_t_e_m
_A_d_m_i_n_i_s_t_r_a_t_i_o_n _G_u_i_d_e. The information listed here is
product-specific; use it with either of those Guides to
install this product.
2.1 _D_i_s_p_l_a_y__P_o_s_t_S_c_r_i_p_t_/_X__S_u_b_s_y_s_t_e_m_s
The Display PostScript/X option includes these subsystems:
_d_p_s__e_o_e._m_a_n._d_p_s These are man pages for some of the
DPS/X applications, such as _s_h_o_w_p_s.
_d_p_s__e_o_e._m_a_n._d_p_s_d_e_m_o These are man pages for some of the
DPS/X demo applications, such as
_d_p_s__e_o_e._s_w._d_p_s This subsystem contains _s_h_o_w_p_s (a
PostScript document previewer), _f_i_l_t_e_r_p_s
(a script that corrects postscript
documents generated by certain drivers)
and poscript documents on _s_h_o_w_p_s.
_s_h_o_w_p_s was formerly named _x_p_s_v_i_e_w in
IRIX 5.3. This subsystem installs
_x_p_s_v_i_e_w as a symlink to _s_h_o_w_p_s to ensure
backward compatibility. _x__e_o_e._s_w._x_d_p_s
must be installed.
_d_p_s__e_o_e._b_o_o_k_s._s_h_o_w_p_s__h_e_l_p This subsystem contains Insight
online help for _s_h_o_w_p_s.
_d_p_s__e_o_e._s_w._d_p_s_d_e_m_o This subsystem contains DPS/X
demonstration applications. For
example, _f_o_n_t_v_i_e_w, allows you to view
DPS/X fonts that are available on a
system (like _t_e_x_t in previous releases).
Most of the applications, such as
_w_o_n_d_e_r_l_a_n_d and _t_e_x_t_e_r_o_i_d_s, are intended
only to demonstrate some of the
capabilities of DPS/X. All of these
programs reside in /_u_s_r/_d_e_m_o_s/_b_i_n.
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_d_p_s__e_o_e._s_w._d_p_s_f_o_n_t_s This subsystem contains 13 Adobe type 1
fonts. There are four styles (regular,
bold, italic, bold-italic) of Courierr,
Helvetica, and Times, and one style of
Symbol. These fonts are in
_d_p_s__e_o_e._m_a_n._r_e_l_n_o_t_e_s These are release notes for Display
Note: All DPS/X client programs require the presence of the
_A_d_o_b_e-_D_P_S-_E_x_t_e_n_s_i_o_n or _D_P_S_E_x_t_e_n_s_i_o_n in the X server
referenced by the _D_I_S_P_L_A_Y shell variable or -_d_i_s_p_l_a_y
command line argument. On SGI systems, this requires
installation of the _x__e_o_e._s_w._x_d_p_s sub-system. If a
DPS/X client is run without the Adobe-DPS-Extension
enabled in the X server, an error message will be
displayed indicating that "The X11 Server DPS/X
extension failed to initialize". If this happens, see
if the _A_d_o_b_e-_D_P_S-_E_x_t_e_n_s_i_o_n or _D_P_S_E_x_t_e_n_s_i_o_n is enabled
by running the user command _x_d_p_y_i_n_f_o. If the DPS
extension is not present, install the _x__e_o_e._s_w._x_d_p_s
2.2 _D_i_s_p_l_a_y__P_o_s_t_S_c_r_i_p_t_/_X__S_u_b_s_y_s_t_e_m__D_i_s_k__S_p_a_c_e__R_e_q_u_i_r_e_m_e_n_t_s
This section lists the subsystems (and their sizes) of the
Display PostScript/X option.
You can use the software installation instructions in the
_P_e_r_s_o_n_a_l _S_y_s_t_e_m _A_d_m_i_n_i_s_t_r_a_t_i_o_n _G_u_i_d_e to install this
product. If you are installing this software for the first
time, the default subsystems are installed if you click the
_I_n_s_t_a_l_l _A_u_t_o_m_a_t_i_c_a_l_l_y button. To install a different set of
subsystems, click the _C_u_s_t_o_m_i_z_e _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n button and make
your new selections. Then click the _S_t_a_r_t button to launch
the installation.
Note: The listed subsystem sizes are approximate. Refer to
the _S_o_f_t_w_a_r_e _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n _A_d_m_i_n_i_s_t_r_a_t_o_r'_s _G_u_i_d_e for
information on finding exact sizes.
Subsystem Name Subsystem Size
(512-byte blocks)
_d_p_s__e_o_e._s_w._d_p_s (default) 3590
_d_p_s__e_o_e._s_w._d_p_s_f_o_n_t_s (default) 2304
_d_p_s__e_o_e._s_w._d_p_s_d_e_m_o 1910
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_d_p_s__e_o_e._m_a_n._d_p_s 112
_d_p_s__e_o_e._m_a_n._d_p_s_d_e_m_o 30
_d_p_s__e_o_e._m_a_n._r_e_l_n_o_t_e_s 24
_d_p_s__e_o_e._b_o_o_k_s._s_h_o_w_p_s__h_e_l_p 654
2.3 _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n__M_e_t_h_o_d
All of the subsystems for Display PostScript/X can be
installed using IRIX. You do not need to use the miniroot.
Refer to the _S_o_f_t_w_a_r_e _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n _A_d_m_i_n_i_s_t_r_a_t_o_r'_s _G_u_i_d_e or
the installation instructions in the _P_e_r_s_o_n_a_l _S_y_s_t_e_m
_A_d_m_i_n_i_s_t_r_a_t_i_o_n _G_u_i_d_e for complete installation instructions.